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Doctor Veronica Lynn Kelley

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Oumuamua #Mpatapo Overhead is watching all the secrets of back alley agreements!

Monday Feb 22nd 2021,

Dear Doctor Kelley:

Degree Merit of Expert Certification
You picked your educational field of study. Doctorate in Social Work/Case Management.

Dearest and Blind Side of Life Director
of the San Bernardino County
Department of Behavioral Health

Don't bother to put your paper merit above me and my motives in all of this conflicted way you demonstrate that you don't have a concern or care for the counties people. We are effected by mental illness and other issues of mental health care here. Your job here under your watch as Director. The main leader of administration of what you testified in your presence to impress state board funding for our county.

My simple question to you is where does the money flow and where does the money go?

You must become aware of the realities of our society. The distrubing trend to defend schemes of hate that is against the benefit of the commonwealth. We must join our bests of ourselves to under stand the memetics interactions of ( impeached twice ) United States of America President Donald John Trump.

Twitterid: [ @TheRealDonald ( suspended )

An action for violations of TwitterVerse that was way way too fucked up human late!

The man ( memeplex ) is a destructive to social trust cult.

(🔮) All hell has been put into hate building memetically active chaos over peace emotional bonding. This being more embolden in mass deliverance more explosive (💣) than the event of Jan 6th 2021 at the Federal Capitol Building in Washington DC USA.

Mark my words here, Doctor Kelley!

Shall we #DoSomething grand and corrective in the phycology of collective emotional instability that is foundational to the active presence negative harming meme generator. An element of obvious designed engine and a part that defines the full memeplex of

"The Haters Always Win Donald Trump Cult"

Yes I have the balls to name it real, to stop and then deconstruct what has happened and happening. As it is an emergency, we are currently in a danger danger dangerous degree of realized truth understanding that is being ignored!(🚦)

I must have your help and for one only standing against this wall of silence, not a possible feat to tackle and defeat. I really do mean it, I need you and you need me.

I may be completely Paramount Crazy, but your name and ability to hold any success to be free to continue onward from that mass weaponized destruction event, these words nullify you way long before if we fail to form unity here.

You will have to answer to someone!

"No matter what you think or believe in todays humankind existence, You will have a great disturbance upon you and your life to answer those in future time upon the events that you ignored. This is s fact if you continue today to ignore me to an oblivion.

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Don't Lie To Me
by Barbra Streisand

How poor people survive in the USA - DW Documentary

18,130,225 views •Nov 27, 2019

DW Documentary 2.61M subscribers Homelessness, hunger and shame: poverty is rampant in the richest country in the world. Over 40 million people in the United States live below the poverty line, twice as many as it was fifty years ago. It can happen very quickly. Many people in the United States fall through the social safety net. ( ### ATTENTION EXTREME FAIL - This subject is your direct relevance field of degree certificate merit. When Exactly Will I as Resident of San Bernardino expect your reply to my need to enable my mental health plan of realized action healing when silence has been your golden rule. No More Lies - contact me now asap - time is a wasting away to make it real - to save the country way out beyond county limits of your current undertaking - no joke here - nothing here fake - serious as a heart attack - get real i do not accept a no from you. no fucked up human way - now back to video documentary details ) In the structurally weak mining region of the Appalachians, it has become almost normal for people to go shopping with food stamps. And those who lose their home often have no choice but to live in a car. There are so many bhomeless people in Los Angeles that relief organizations have started to build small wooden huts to provide them with a roof over their heads. The number of homeless children has also risen dramatically, reaching 1.5 million, three times more than during the Great Depression the 1930s. A documentary about the fate of the poor in the United States today. We closed the commentary section because of too many inapproriate comments. -------------------------------------------------------------------- DW Documentary gives you knowledge beyond the headlines. Watch high-class documentaries from German broadcasters and international production companies. Meet intriguing people, travel to distant lands, get a look behind the complexities of daily life and build a deeper understanding of current affairs and global events. -------

Other details that will fill in the voids of your missing reality of truths. By you igoring these keeps a dangerous kidden conspirac>>>y active. Open yourself to the experiences of life that can not have a voice.

Do I need to provide XML source files? Including 911 text interace history?

sms XML data : sbcounty CCRT and SBPD 911 Connections that fail
